The art of making paper from pulp originated in China in the year 102A.D. Paper then became more available to the masses. The secret of making paper was kept in China for several hundred years and finally made its way through Korea and into Japan. A Buddhist monk is said to have carried this secret .The introduction of paper making to Japan several hundred years later coincided with tahe development of their religion and soon became part of the lives of its people. Colors and silk threads were added and origami was held in high esteem. Gifts were decorated with "noshi." Noshi had particular fold patterns depending on the gift.


Origami is the Japanese word for paper folding. ORI means to fold and KAMI means paper. Together, they form the word, "origami." It is an art form that has been handed down from parent to child through many generations. Origami involves the creation of paper forms usually entirely by folding. Animals, birds, fish, geometric shapes, puppets, toys and masks are among the models that even very young children can learn to make in just one sitting.